Custard Apple Seeds Oil


Custard apple seeds oil, also known as bullock’s heart oil, is derived from the seeds of the custard apple fruit (Annona reticulata). The oil extracted from these seeds is rich in nutrients and compounds that are believed to have various potential health benefits.

Here are some aspects of custard apple seeds oil:

Potential Uses and Benefits:

  • Skin Care: It’s believed to have moisturizing properties, potentially useful in skincare products like lotions or creams.
  • Hair Care: Some claim it can be used to nourish the hair and scalp.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: The oil might have anti-inflammatory effects when applied topically.
  • Potential Health Benefits: Some traditional medicine systems suggest it could have medicinal properties, but scientific research on its internal use is limited.



  • Fatty Acids: It contains a combination of fatty acids, including oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid.
  • Antioxidants: The oil may contain antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, which are beneficial for health.


  • Allergies: As with any oil derived from seeds, some individuals may have allergies to custard apple seed oil. Always perform a patch test before using it extensively.
  • Usage: While it’s used in traditional medicine, scientific evidence supporting its internal use is limited. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable before internal consumption.

Always remember, while custard apple seed oil may have potential benefits, scientific research validating its efficacy and safety in various applications is still limited. It’s essential to approach its use with caution and consider individual sensitivities or allergies. Consulting with a healthcare provider or a professional in skincare and natural remedies can provide tailored advice.


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