Chammomile Roman Oil



  1. Relaxation and Sleep: Its gentle, floral aroma is known to promote relaxation and alleviate stress. It’s often used in diffusers or added to baths to induce a sense of calmness, aiding in better sleep.
  2. Skincare: Roman Chamomile oil is prized for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It’s used in skincare products to calm irritated skin, reduce redness, and help with conditions like eczema or acne.
  3. Pain Relief: It’s believed to have mild analgesic properties and can be used topically, often in a carrier oil, to alleviate muscle aches and pains.
  4. Digestive Support: Chamomile tea made from the flowers has been traditionally used to aid digestion and soothe stomach discomfort. The oil, when appropriately diluted, might offer similar benefits.


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