Dill Seed Oil (BP/ USP Grade)



“Dill Seed Oil (BP/USP Grade)” signifies that the dill seed oil meets the quality and purity standards established by both the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).

Here’s what this designation implies:

  1. BP Grade: This indicates that the dill seed oil complies with the quality standards outlined by the British Pharmacopoeia. The BP sets criteria for the quality, purity, and strength of substances used in medicinal products, ensuring they meet specific standards for pharmaceutical use.
  2. USP Grade: Similarly, meeting the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia assures that the dill seed oil meets the quality benchmarks set by this compendium. The USP establishes standards for the identity, purity, strength, and quality of medicines, dietary supplements, and healthcare products in the United States.


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